Monday, February 21, 2011

The Tooth Fairy

Today during Specials we had a special visitor...the Tooth Fairy!

We're learning all about Dental Health and taking care of our teeth this week!

Happy Birthday Hailey!

Thursday, February 17th was Hailey's 6th birthday!  She had such a fun day being the line leader and leading the class in calendar time.
Birthday queen in her birthday crown!

Hailey did such a good job leading calendar!  I didn't even have to help her!

Eating the lavendar icing!

The whole family came to celebrate Hailey's birthday!  Mom, Dad, sister, and Grandma!

Hope you had a great day Hailey!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Schoolyard Songs

Last night was the Kindergarten PTO performance.  The kids sang songs that were reminiscent of songs played and sung on the playground during recess. 
First 3 boys in the room all ready in their green shirts!

Waiting "backstage"

Michele's hair looked so pretty!

On stage and ready to perform!

Nervous yet??

Who's shy?

Almost time to get started

Getting ready to play "clapsies"

"I got an A in recess..."
They did such a great job!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday was Valentine's day and we had such a fun day!

In the morning we sorted and graphed candy hearts....

I was so busy during the Valentine's party that I forgot to take pictures of the kids eating their ice cream sundaes and passing out Valentines!!  :(  But I did take pictures of them with their full bags once the party was over...

We LOVED Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Sophie!

Friday, February 11th was Sophie's 6th birthday!  She enjoyed being the line leader all day and leading the class in calendar time!

Our birthday queen for the day!

Sophie and her little brother Noah

Mommy and Sophie
Hope you had a great birthday Sophie!